Are Dating Apps Safe? – How to Up Your Dating Game Safety

PostDating apps have revolutionized the way people meet and connect with potential partners. With just a few swipes, you can find someone who shares your interests and values, making it easier to find a compatible match. However, with the rise of dating apps, there has also been an increase in safety concerns.

According to the Pew Research Center, 30% of adults in the US have used a dating app, and 12% have found a committed relationship or marriage through these apps. With such a large number of people using dating apps, it’s important to address the safety concerns that come with it.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of app security and safety tips for dating app users. We’ll also explore how anonymous post-engagement rating apps can enhance the safety of dating app users.

Red Flags- Catfishing and Gas Lighting

Navigating the world of online dating can be difficult - especially with the high number of dating apps available on the app Brett Jordan (

Dating apps have become a popular way for people to meet and connect with potential partners. However, with the rise in their popularity, there has also been an increase in safety concerns.

One of the main concerns is the risk of meeting someone who is not who they claim to be. Dating apps make it easy for people to create fake profiles which can be used to deceive others. This technique is known as “catfishing” and can lead to, in the very least a user disappointed and frustrated and in its worse, to dangerous situations such as meeting someone who has a criminal record or is using a fake identity.

Another concern is the lack of consent in some interactions on dating apps. Many users have reported instances of non-consensual behavior, such as receiving unsolicited explicit messages or being pressured into meeting in person.

There is the primary issue of user safety, especially for women when meeting alone with someone for the first time. Once two people have connected on a dating app and decide to meet in person, there is no guarantee of their safety. This can be especially concerning for women, who are more likely to experience violence or harassment from a date.

Strong passwordby Simon John-McHaffie (

How Anonymous Post-Engagement Rating Apps Can Enhance Safety

Anonymous post-engagement rating apps are a new and innovative way to enhance the safety of dating app users. These apps allow users to rate their experience with someone they met through a dating app, without revealing their identity. Each user develops a composite ratings score which like a credit score can be used to validate a person’s character.

Post-Engagement Rating Apps Encourage Positive Behavior

Positive behaviorby Brock Wegner (

By allowing users to rate their experience with someone they met through a dating app, anonymous post-engagement rating apps encourage positive behavior. Users are more likely to behave respectfully and considerately if they know they will be rated by their date.

This can help reduce instances of harassment, catfishing, and other negative behaviors on dating apps. It also creates a safer and more positive environment for users.

Safety Apps Provides Valuable Feedback

Anonymous post-connection rating apps also provide valuable feedback for dating app users. By seeing how others have rated their behavior, users can gain insight and make improvements if necessary.

This feedback can also help users make more informed decisions when choosing who to meet through a dating app. If someone has a low rating, it may be a red flag to avoid meeting them.

Increases Accountability

With anonymous post-engagement rating apps, users are held accountable for their actions. If someone receives a low rating, they may be less likely to engage in negative behavior in the future. This can help create a safer and more respectful environment for all dating app users.

Post-engagement rating apps, such as ChkM8, can provide an additional layer of security for dating app users. ChkM8 is a preventive app that allow users to rate and review their dates after they have met in person, providing valuable feedback for others. By sharing their composite ratings, users can reassure others that their ratings reflect their true character and help create a safer environment for everyone using dating apps. To take preventive measures, demand disclosure of ratings received from others. #NoRateNoDate

How to Use Anonymous Post-Engagement Rating Apps

ChkM8 is a post-connection rating app designed to ensure that each user is aware that following the connection the app will send a rating request where each user then rates each other anonymously. There are three categories; Safety, Integrity and Likeability that users will rate are based on a simple 5-Star rating system. Each user will create a composite score of 1-5 stars that the receiving user can then if they so chose, share their composite ratings with other online dating app users as a means of reassuring their ratings reflect who they are.

Download the App

To use an anonymous post-engagement rating app, you’ll first need to download it from the app store. There are several options available, so be sure to read reviews and choose one that has a good reputation.

Rate Your Date

ChkM8 is a post-connection rating app designed to ensure that each user is aware that following the connection, the app will send each user a rating request where each user then rates each other anonymously. There are three categories; Safety, Integrity and Likeability that user’s will rate based on a simple 5-Star rating system.

Each chkm8 user will over time create a composite score of 1-5 stars that the user can then if they so choose, share their composite ratings with other online dating app users as a means of reassuring their ratings reflect who they are. Unlike previous post-engagement rating apps, such as Lulu and Peeple, ChkM8 does not permit any user the ability to text any aspect of the review they experienced with another user.

Each of the 3 categories, allows the user to provide a Reasons for the Rating given which list pre-written choices a user can check to support the rating received in that particular category. This can include a rating for Integrity (where their pics and stats accurate), Likeability (did the gaslight you?) and Safety (did you always feel safe while with them?)

View Ratings

View ratingsby Robert Lukeman (

You can also view ratings for others on the app. This can help you make more informed decisions when choosing who to meet through a dating app. The avg dating app user spends 10.5 hrs per week searching and swiping. Users can save that time by indicating that ratings are desired for conversations to take place. #NoRateNoDate

Report Negative Behavior

If you experience any negative behavior on a date, you can report it on the anonymous post-engagement rating app. This can help protect other users from encountering the same behavior.


Dating apps have made it easier to connect with potential partners, but they also come with safety concerns. By using strong security measures and following safety tips, dating app users can protect themselves from potential risks.

Anonymous post-engagement rating apps are a new and effective way to enhance the safety of dating app users. By encouraging positive behavior, providing valuable feedback, and increasing accountability, these apps can help create a safer and more positive environment for all dating app users.

If you’re a dating app user, consider downloading an anonymous post-engagement rating app to enhance your safety and the safety of others. Remember to always trust your instincts and prioritize your safety when using dating apps.

Show them who you really are with ChkM8